This blog is not geared to one faith or another but self reflection within one’s faith entirely.
Exercise: In your journal, take each question you find as you read and answer it honestly & elaborately. The more honest you are the better your results will be in the end. This is for your personal growth records only.
What is Spiritual Awareness?
E x p a n s i o n
“Awareness is less like awakening and more like observation. Being aware requires focus and analysis. Finding an objective truth over perceptive truth.
“Your spiritual awareness is your guide to your life’s journey.”
When I use the term "spiritual", I mean nothing less than the overall ideology that we all have a Spirit/Soul and how we choose to be aware of it.
More than a stigma, it's safe to say one's moral is anchored in that "soul" and/or faith.”
“What does it mean to be spiritually aware?”
I n t r o
Spiritual awareness governs a lot more than just your "faith" or your moral agenda.
“Analysis, accountability and application are essential for healthy spiritual awareness.”
We are often conditioned to set unrealistic standards for ourselves and the people around us. Spiritual awareness can be your guide to rediscovery and unlearning.
1 A n a l y s i s
Analysis gives you the ability to assess what you're working with and how to work with it; in this case, self. What kind of childhood did you have, i.e. your relationship with your parents? How do you speak to that inner child now? What do you believe in, morally and subjectively? What kinds of things have you forced into your shadows? This is where you reflect on all things that are well… you.
When you’re assessing your mental “code” remember, don't be judgemental! This is about what makes you, you; the good and bad. Coding can be changed. Where you’re operating now may be due to your environmental conditions and not your nurturing.
As you take stock of what's happening inside of you, note each root, where most of your triggers/problems stem from. If you find your natural reaction to be anger, analysis is going to ask, “why?”. Thus working towards the root.
This is not something that can be started and finished in a day. This takes practice and happens overtime.
However, it's also a lot like riding a bike. Once you've got it, you get it! Learning the root gives you access to proactive solutions and cuts out a lot of, “learning lessons the hard way”. When you can honestly access a trigger, you can get to the solution a lot faster. Often the solution is to be nurtured.
“It's honest work!”
We often associate discipline with aggression, though the two are nowhere near synonymous. Discipline can be a form of love; discipline can feel like the light when it's dark or a hug when you’re sad. Discipline says, “If you make showing up for yourself a habit, growth is an inevitable result.”
2 A c c o u n t a b i l i t y
Accountability is where spiritual awareness gets tricky for most. It usually gets the trickiest when we’re tussling our pride and sense of humility. Why? Because who enjoys being wrong or ashamed? It’s in our nature to reject feelings that we don't like. Unfortunately, that doesn't make them go away though. We have to be adaptable to our feelings (not controlled by them), otherwise there's no balance. It results in, either too emotional or lacking emotion all together.
*While reading be sure to be open to the entire spectrum of emotions, not just negative, positive, or neutral ones.
“An emotion is irrelevant to our character until we allow it to become our character.”
Our truth is that to empower us not hinder us. You’ll find that when you shift your perspective from, “accountability is blaming me to accountability is empowering me”, it becomes a lot easier to be accountable.
Spiritual awareness will inevitably be inhibited by a lack of accountability. How can you truly be aware if there's no willingness to self reflect, honestly? It's often said, “know who you are so no one can tell you who you are '' or “stand for something or fall for anything”, same principle.
Accountability allows you the opportunity to check in with your ego and make sure it's well balanced. As life sometimes throws us a curveball, it's important to make sure you’re centered and grounded. Emotionally charged decisions rarely make good ones.
3 A p p l i c a t i o n
Application is where the action happens. This is the moment to put everything you’ve analyzed and been accountable for to treasured use. Application is where you see your results. The results aren't often immediate. Though, showing up for yourself introduces feelings that are a rewarding result.
Applying everything you’ve learned about yourself, you can then determine if this direction needs more work or if it's time to grow into it. This will continue to strengthen your spiritual awareness as you will be able to build on healthy and structured habits.
You’re the pilot of your life. Application allows you to decide whether you’d like to operate out of fear or of love. When you’re creating new habits, allow them to be inspiring. Growth is exciting when you reflect on how far you've come from time to time. Honest work yields honest results.
In all of this, you get to choose what matters to you. You set the tone and the standard. Who do you choose to be?
C o n c l u s i o n
Collectively, this builds a strong and trusting relationship with yourself. Now, incorporating your intuition and belief system is made easier because you have a solid foundation to build upon. Analysis, accountability and application are necessary tools to sharpen your discernment and keep this foundation strong. Spiritual discernment (your filter) is wise and key to objective spiritual awareness. Your integrated shadow self will find empowerment when you trust yourself fully.
Still, what is "Spiritual awareness?"
Okay, so you read all of that and you may still be asking, what even is “Spiritual Awareness”?
It's more than seeing synchronized numbers (777) or noticing a message that has passed through multiple messengers.
It’s about understanding your energetic connection to yourself, reflected out into the world. Understanding your perspective, your basic foundation, what lens you see the world through.
However, in order to even begin that journey… you need a reliable connection with yourself. (intuition, source, creator, etc.) You don't have to believe in anything other than yourself to find that awareness.
Until next time!